Decision Analysis Project Risk Management
By Development Stage Risk Metrics
For Executives and Decision Makers Schedule Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management Strategic Risk - Leadership
Predictive Approaches Underwriter, Financial, Insurance

Risk Metrics

Do you ever wonder if you made the right decision? Starting with our capital asset decisions techniques, you can track decisions through their life cycle, measuring their strengths and weakness against the current environment. Metrics are generated to demonstrate the state of your program, project or company and more importantly, how they are changing. Though this is the most challenging aspect of risk management, it permits metrics for opportunity costs, confidence in abandoning sunk funds and lessons learned.

Probability-Impact (PxI) or Likelihood-Consequence

The most basic metric, the formula for a risk. How many of them parametrize the program, how the numbers change characterize your program.


Financial Metrics

Measure and predict how well you are managing risks and opportunities. Are investments providing an efficient return on investment?

Performance Metrics

Measure the amount of uncertainty in your project or company, compare divisions for unprecedented insight. Understand one organization, with the information provided by others.


Contact us now.


(240) 401-7308

Email Gregory Tyler